A Game of Two Halves

Last week was very much a week of two halves. Global equities staged a sharp 5% bounce early on, only then to unwind a good part of that gain and … Read More

Don’t Panic

The natural instinct in turbulent times like these is to press the panic button – sell any investments which could potentially fall further and retreat to the safety of cash. … Read More

Turbulent Times

The past week has been a torrid affair with major moves in many markets. Global equities ended the week down a sizeable 4.2% in local currency terms and are back … Read More

A Momentous Week

The death of Queen Elizabeth II, a rock of stability for the nation over the decades, overshadows everything else and puts this week’s comments on the trials and tribulations of … Read More

A Poisoned Chalice?

Global markets fell back a further 2.9% last week and have opened lower today. They have lost over half their summer gains and are now 5% or so above their … Read More

UK Inflation Woes

Equity markets posted a modest 0.9% decline last week, their first fall in a month. However, a 2.6% drop in the pound against a strengthening dollar to $1.18 left global … Read More

US Inflation Cheer

US Inflation Cheer Equity markets continued their rebound last week with global equities gaining a further 2.5%. Markets remain down 10.7% in local currency terms from their early January high … Read More

Markets Ignore BOE gloom

Equity markets saw further modest gains last week, continuing the recovery underway since mid-June. Global equities are now up some 10% from their low in local currency terms and 11% … Read More

Hope Springs Eternal

Equity markets continued their rebound last week. In local currency terms, global equities gained 3.0% and are now up 9% from their low. They have now recovered just over one … Read More

ECB Tests Positive

Equity markets rebounded last week in what was a strong week for all major markets. Global equities ended the week up 2.7% in local currency terms and 1.6% in sterling … Read More