Better Times Ahead

2022 was an unprecedented year for markets, with both bonds and equities recording substantial losses at the same time. UK government bonds ended the year down close to 25%, a … Read More

The Oracles Pronounce

Last week was very much a game of two halves, a description all the more apposite in light of events on Sunday. Global equities rose some 1.5% in the first … Read More

Don’t Lose Hope

After a weekend of football disappointment and travel chaos, and with a strike calendar looking rather more useful than an advent calendar, this week’s commentary is an unashamed attempt to … Read More

Powell Play

Global equities had another quietish week, albeit including a 3% mid-week pop in the US market, ending up 0.5-1%. The main news was in the US, where a speech by … Read More

Covid rears its head

Markets last week were relatively quiet for the second week running, in part no doubt due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Global equities rose 1.3% in local currency … Read More

Markets Shrug off Chancellor’s Gloom

Following their bounce the previous week, global equities were little changed in local currency terms last week with no major market-moving news. COP27 was always going to be a bit … Read More

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Last week was a volatile one for markets generally, not just crypto. US equities surged as much as 5.5% on Thursday, leaving global equities up 5.1% in local currency terms … Read More

A Pivotal Week

Last week proved a mixed affair for equity markets. Global equities ended down 1.2% in local currency terms but up 1.4% in sterling terms. There was also a marked divergence … Read More

Fangs are Out

UK assets had a good week, with a further reversal of the sell-off caused by the mini-budget. The pound rose 3.8% against the dollar and is now back up to … Read More

About Turn

Last week proved to be yet another week of high drama. While the UK was clearly the epicentre, the US inflation numbers mid-week also did their best to grab the … Read More