Patience is a virtue

The recovery in equities from their December low continued last week. Markets took comfort from a number of factors but the most important was the latest musings from the US … Read More

Repositioning Continues

The bounce back in global equity markets seems to have paused.  But this comes after an 11% recovery from the lows before Christmas which translated into 7% in sterling terms.  … Read More

Repositioning Portfolios

Global equities have not only recovered substantially from their lows last month but have now retraced half of their losses from the autumn of 2018.  The big question is, of … Read More

A lot Going on in the World

As we noted earlier this week, there is, as always, a lot going on in the world.  And much of it directly affects the thinking of investors.  At such times, … Read More

Investors Remain Discombobulated

Equity markets had a better performance last week, but investors remain somewhat discombobulated.  As expected, the newsflow remains mixed.  Stories of weakened Chinese trade combine with disappointment over European data … Read More

Investors Feeling Pretty Rattled

Having started with a strong rally in equity markets, 2018 ended with almost all equity markets showing significant losses.  Why such a U-turn in sentiment?  Well, investors became increasingly worried … Read More