How much further can equities rise?

After a flattish performance last week, equities have started this week on an upbeat note, buoyed by the news that Presidents Trump and Xi have agreed to restart trade talks … Read More

Equities rebound on easing hopes

Equity markets had a good week, with global equities rebounding 2.5-3%. Markets are now down all of 3% in local currency terms and 1% in sterling terms from their recent … Read More

Equities remain under pressure

Equity markets have retreated further and are now down some 6% in local currency terms from their late April high. In sterling terms, the decline has been cushioned somewhat by … Read More

Adding a little to equities

Equity markets remain hostage to developments in the ongoing US-China trade battle and fell 2% last week as tensions increased further. China retaliated against the US move the previous week … Read More

Hostage to Trump Tweets

Equity markets have been knocked down by the escalation of trade tensions between the US and China with global equities now some 3-4% off their recent highs. The correction is … Read More

Earnings are Key

Equity markets recovered further last week with global equities rising 1.8% in sterling terms, helped in part by the pound falling back below $1.30. These gains leave global equities down … Read More

Turning a Bit Less Cautious

The rally in markets this year has basically been driven by three factors: the marked shift in Fed policy, the potential of a US-China trade deal and hopes that the … Read More

Market Rebound is Looking Tired

The sharp rebound in equities seen this year is beginning to look a little tired and markets were little changed last week amidst a downbeat set of forecasts from the … Read More

Looking on the Bright Side

Equity markets continued their upward march last week and global equities are now only a modest 2% or so below their highs last year. The US market has led the … Read More

Spring is in the Air

Equity markets ended March on a positive note and global equities returned a strong 12.3% in local currency terms over the first quarter as a whole. In sterling terms, the … Read More