Rate Cut Reassessment

Global equities continued their upward path last week, posting a gain of around 0.5% in both local currency and sterling terms. This left markets up year-to-date some 4.5% on both … Read More

Arm and a Leg

Global equities had another positive week, rising slightly over 1.0% in both local currency and sterling terms. China fared best with a gain of 3.3% in sterling terms. But the … Read More

Jobs Galore

Global equities had a positive week, rising 1.0% in local currency terms and 1.4% in sterling terms. The US and Japan fared best, with gains of 1.8% and 2.0% in … Read More

Tech & Fed centre stage

Global equities rose 1.0% in sterling terms last week and the UK, Europe and China led the way with gains of around 2.5%. Markets took comfort from the latest economic … Read More

Rate cut hopes dented

Global equities edged higher last week but performance differed significantly between regions. US equities gained 1.7% in sterling terms on the back of a strong performance from the tech sector. … Read More

Inflation remains the key

Equity markets have had a somewhat choppy start to the new year following their strong gains late last year. They retreated 1-1.5% in the first week, only then to recover … Read More

The sky has cleared, for now

Investment markets had quite a volatile 2023 but ended on a strong note with most markets posting significant gains over the year. Global equities returned as much as 22.1% in … Read More

Punch Drunk

We said last week the fate of the Xmas market rally lay in the hands of the central banks and so it has proven. To be more precise, it was … Read More

Banker Rally

Last week was a quietish one for markets. Global equities inched up 0.2% in local currency terms, although gained 0.9% in sterling terms as the pound retreated against a stronger … Read More

Santa is Ahead of Schedule

The Santa rally continued last week with global equities rising a further 0.7%. More impressively, equity markets chalked up in November their largest gain for three years, returning as much … Read More