Time to Value

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The New Year has kicked off with a burst of market volatility centred on bonds rather than equities. 10-year government bond yields jumped 0.2-0.3% last week to 1.8% in the … Read More

Tighter Times

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Equity markets have continued their recent see-saw pattern. Global equities fell some 1.5% last week, after a gain of 3% the previous one, and are down a further 1-2% this … Read More

Still Little Alternative

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There is often a disconnect between market moves and domestic headlines but last week it was particularly acute. The wave of new restrictions in the UK, along with Boris Johnson’s … Read More

Volatility Knocks

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Market volatility has picked up significantly since Omicron first made the headlines the week before last. US equities have seen daily moves of 1-2% most days, with gains replacing losses … Read More


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Covid is once again front of mind for markets due to the emergence of the Omicron Covid variant, which is considerably more transmissible than existing strains and potentially quite resistant … Read More

Jobs Galore

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Global equities slipped back a little last week, posting their first weekly decline since the beginning of October. The pause was overdue and can’t really be attributed to any of … Read More

A Lot of Hot Air

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The relentless upward trend in equities has continued with markets edging higher last week. Global equities are now some 2.3% above their September high in local currency terms and a … Read More

Heating Up

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Global equities continued to grind higher last week, ending up around 0.5-1.0%, and have also opened higher this morning. Corporate earnings remain a major factor behind these latest gains with … Read More

Show Me The Money

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Global equities posted gains last week for the third week running. They ended the week up some 1.1% and are now all but back to their high in early September. … Read More

Quality not Quantity

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Global equities continued their recovery last week, ending up 2.1% in local currency terms. Markets are now down only 1.2% from their early September high. So, why the swift rebound … Read More