Kingswood launches ESG Bond Fund

Targeting a five-year duration and an income with potential for capital growth One of the very few short dated Sterling only investment grade ESG funds that is actively managed in … Read More

Power in Numbers

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Global equities fell back 3.5-4% last week, leaving them down slightly year-to-date, although they have recovered some of these losses today. It was a busy week for financial news but … Read More

Earnings to the Rescure

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Global equities last week resumed their upward trend, regaining their losses of the previous week with a 1-1.5% gain. The positive mood was no doubt bolstered by President Biden’s inauguration, … Read More

Biden Bonanza

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Global equities slipped back 1% last week, reversing some of their recent gains. UK equities also gave back some of the previous week’s outperformance. Both moves, however, pale into insignificance … Read More

Taxing times on the horizon!

Are you protected against future Capital Gains Tax rises? It is almost inevitable that taxes will have to rise to help meet the potential £391 billion bill the government has … Read More

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

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Equity markets have started the year in bullish mode with global equities rising a strong 2.7% in local currency terms last week. These latest gains were very much driven by … Read More

Darkest Before The Dawn

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Equity markets ended last year on a bullish note and this optimism has carried through to the start of the new year. Global equities gained 1.3% in local currency terms … Read More